Friday, November 03, 2006

I am fascinated with election day, not just in my state.

Okay, this one was rather rought to watch. I didn't see that ending coming.

It's got a good point. I'd definitely vote no on 85. I don't believe in abortion, but I don't believe in denying a woman her right to have one either.

This one is another total downer:

Yes, there are some kids who can't tell their parents they are pregnant for some good reason. I knew a lot of girls who had abortions as teenagers -- all for very good reasons. I also thought at the time it was for the best when they didn't tell their parents. If you don't have a good, close relatioship as a teen with your parents that makes you able to share something like that, then it is probably for a good reason. Maybe the parents are abusive, whatever -- the point is this isn't an easy choice for a woman of any age. It wouldn't be my choice, but I'm no one to tell you it isn't to be your choice. I haven't walked in your shoes. I don't know your pain.

But I do wish all teens could have a dialogue with their parents if they did have to face an unplanned pregnancy. I wish all teens had good relationships with their parents. But it isn't always that way.

Now for something totally different, how about some classic Dubya?

He's a funny guy. I never voted for him and I've hated him as President. But, oh, the many laughs he has given me in six years. I will miss that when he's gone. I hope our next president is just as much of a doofus so I can keep laughing another 4-8 years.

And now, something astonishing -- a Hollywood actor who is a republican! Or, well, I'm assuming Paul Newman is just because he's anti-Leiberman:

Wow, Congress really is shady as all get out, no?

Just four more days...hang in there!


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