Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Am I a stress case?

I can only wonder. There’s no medical test to prove it, or is there? I do not think I am stressed out. My life is just the way I want it; there could be improvements sure. But I don’t lack enough in my little world to give me the kind of stress that would make me sick. And so the mystery goes; I have every symptom of diabetes there is, but last week’s fasting blood test shows a blood glucose level of 90. Not only that, but my blood is perfect!

I guess I can blame my vegan diet for my perfect health on paper. Because on paper, there is nothing wrong with me. My blood pressure? 116/72. It’s always somewhere close to that. I am not nutritionally deficient in anything. I am not anemic. There is nothing wrong with my thyroid, liver, kidneys or adrenal glands. Blood count is good. Cholesterol is fine. I have no pain. I have a sore throat, but figure I’m so run down that was a given.

So what is making me sick? Why do I dip from hypoglycemia back up to hyperglycemia every couple days? My stepmom thinks I am stressed out because my boyfriend and I just moved to a new apartment and because this is the time of year my mom died. The new apartment is wonderful and really brought up our standard of living. I’m not fixated on the tragedy of losing my mom as I was last year; I am finding the second anniversary to be much easier than the first. That’s not at all how I expected it would be, but I am not depressed about it.


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