Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Kiss me, I voted...anti-animal rights commercials are silly...

You vote, and all you get is a sense of pride and a red, white and blue sticker. And that is just fine with me. That lottery proposition is lame, so I voted no on it. I don't remember which proposition number it is, since there are 19 props to vote on. But I don't think people should be bribed with the thought of possible lottery riches in order to vote. I want people like me voting. I studied all the judges, propositions and candidates last night to ensure I was making the best choices. I am grateful for my right to vote and make sure I always vote -- and responsibly at that. If you're only going to vote just for the lottery aspect, you don't care to learn about the candidates. It's just a free lottery ticket to you.

Women fought for the right to vote, so I don't squander that right. I want my voice heard. I went to my old precinct and couldn't vote there. I moved in the last two weeks and haven't seen election mail in a couple months. So I ended up at my new precinct filling out a provisional ballot. I was told to call a number in 5 days to see if my vote was indeed counted. It better be! I put a lot of work into that ballot! And I endured a ton of horrible ads on TV. Enough! The ads should be cut off the day before election day. I can't believe I am still seeing/hearing them all. I could recite them word for word and I'm so sick of them!

And speaking of, I have to call out the Center for Consumer "Freedom," which is a front group run by Richard Berman. They are running anti-animal rights commercials for no reason. They are just attacking the animal rights movement. When is the last time an animal rights activist tried to convert you to being vegetarian? And furthermore, what's so wrong about vegetarianism anyway? It's just another way of eating. Ok, it's so much more than that. But do we attack people with any other diet? Do we attack low-carb dieters? Do we attack people who want to eat healthy? We shouldn't. I am vegan myself and still can't understand why people are so offended that I don't eat meat or dairy products. What difference should it make to others? It's my choice.

But back to CCF. Don't believe what you are seeing in the anti-veg/anti-animal rights commercials. I have a thing against CCF because "they" or namely, Richard Berman, don't care about your health. Berman does PR. He takes money to defend the meat industry, alcohol and tobacco companies. He doesn't have your best interests in mind.

Berman is basically taking money from Outback Steakhouse to make sure you don't go vegetarian. Get real, Berman. I've been vegan for two years and have only converted one person, my boyfriend, without even trying. I got sick and fell asleep on the couch early one night when we had first started dating. My boyfriend who hates to read ended up picking out John Robbins' The Food Revolution off my bookshelf and proceeded to read the entire thing. His mother and I were shocked, because he was obsessed with finishing the book. I never tried to convert him. I never try to convert anyone. Richard Berman should realize that. Eating is such a personal choice and so culturally influenced that it's extremely difficult to convert people to vegetarian. It's even more difficult to keep people vegetarian.

Get the real truth right here and you'll see why the commercials are so silly.

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