Wednesday, January 10, 2007

$500 may not be that bad for the Apple iPhone

At first, I balked at the price of the new Mac iPhone. Now I'm just pissed that I can't buy it until June.

Only time will tell whether or not I drop $500-600 on this thing, because I'm generally pretty cheap. I'm still mad the cheapest replacement phone I could buy from T-Mobile after losing my Motorola was a $250 Nokia. That was over a year ago. It seems a silly amount to pay for a phone. The last time I was into smart phones, I broke two in a row and vowed to never again spend that much.

But now that I've checked out the new iPhone online, I have to say it's worth the money. I can't wait until someone reviews it to tell me otherwise. But it would replace my cell phone, PDA, and iPod all at one shot. I could even e-mail from the phone. I could also watch videos on the phone, though I promise not to while driving. I imagine my productivity outside the home (while running errands, hanging out with friends, being stuck in traffic) would greatly increase with a phone like this.

I've wanted Apple to come out with a phone/PDA thing for a while since I've owned a Mac for two years now. I just want something to be a phone that can also sync up my calendar and address book. And here it is.

The touch screen thing is cool, the Bluetooth syncing is cool, all in all -- this could make my life so much easier.


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